The Vitality Program

Victoriakliniken’s Vitality Program is for those who want to live a long and vibrant life, improving their daily well-being with increased energy and vitality.

The Vitality Program gives us the opportunity to guide you toward a better life on an individual level through methods such as cellular-level analysis, InBody body composition measurements, and red light therapy.

The Vitality Program at Victoriakliniken is a unique offering for anyone who wants to live a long and vital life, improving their daily well-being with increased energy and vitality. The Vitality Program provides personalized guidance to enhance your life, including cellular-level analyses, in-body body composition measurements, and red light therapy. It is offered free of charge to all patients undergoing surgery at Victoriakliniken, making us the only clinic in Sweden to provide this service. Even if you are not undergoing surgery at Victoriakliniken, you are welcome to book the Vitality Program. You can find all our package offers further down on the page


Scheduling and Instructions

When you book an operation at the Victoria Clinic, a referral is automatically sent to your nearest Unilabs facility.

  • If you wish to book the vitality program, please call us at 08-530 210 00.
  • The blood test is taken on an empty stomach and before 10:00 AM. You can drink coffee or tea, but without milk, sugar, or sweeteners.
  • Avoid fatty food and alcohol the day before the sample collection.
  • Three days after the blood test, you will call the clinic and book an appointment to receive the test results. At the same time, you will also have an InBody body composition measurement.
  • You can also book your red light therapy treatment the same day or at a later time that suits you. In that case, please specify: vitality program – red light therapy.

For blood test results, InBody body composition measurement, and red light therapy, you will visit the Victoria Clinic at Karlavägen 89, Stockholm.

ALCAT test


Lab tests prior to surgery refer to a standard panel of tests performed to ensure a patient is suitable for surgery and to minimize risks and complications during and after the operation. It also provides a good overview of the general state of health. In our comprehensive vitality program, we also offer other blood tests at a favorable price. For example, you can do your annual check-up or a deeper analysis with more precise, individually tailored tests. This can of course be done even if you have not booked an operation. Regardless of which lab test you choose, an InBody body composition measurement and a red light therapy session are always included.

Inbody scanning

InBody body composition analysis is a body composition analysis that provides you with quick and reliable information about your body and its composition. In addition to the distribution of muscle and fat mass, you also receive information about your muscle balance, the difference between the sides of the body, and the amount of visceral fat.

How does Inbody scanning work?

During the measurement, a so-called bioimpedance wave with eight measuring points is used. A weak current is sent through the body, as different tissues in the body have different resistance (conduct current differently), which helps determine the body composition. The current is very weak and you do not feel anything when it is sent through the body.

The test takes approximately 2-3 minutes and is quick and smooth, performed by staff at the clinic. The measurement process is simple – you stand barefoot on a platform while holding two handles. For the best results, the measurement should be done before breakfast. If you measure at other times of the day, you should not have eaten for at least two hours. The most important thing is to have the same conditions for each measurement in order to get comparable results. Because it does not use empirical data, which can affect the test results, InBody body composition measurement is used in research and elite sports, and has a 98% comparability to DXA scans (DXA is a bone mineral measurement).

What can you measure?
When you step on a scale and see that you have lost a kilogram, what have you really lost? A kilogram of fat? Fluid? Muscle? By analyzing your weight and body composition, you will gain a better understanding of changes in your body in a way that you can follow closely.

An InBody analysis helps you develop a strategy based on your specific conditions and goals. It simplifies training follow-up, and the results become clearer. You get a solid foundation to create a lifestyle based on facts about your body. Being able to follow up on your efforts by seeing your current state and then measuring the change in your body composition is highly motivating.

Red Light Therapy

Everyone needs light – without light, we cannot live, and this is especially important in a country with little sunlight. The reason we offer red light therapy and infrared light during surgeries at our facility is primarily due to its positive effects on wound healing and the improvement of skin texture.

Red light therapy also has other benefits, such as rejuvenating properties through increased collagen synthesis. By exposing the skin to red light, skin cells can be stimulated to produce more collagen, which can in turn increase the firmness of the skin and reduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. In addition to promoting collagen production, red light therapy can also help improve skin texture and tone. It can help reduce the visibility of irregularities such as scars, sun damage, and pigmentation spots by promoting cell renewal and increasing blood circulation in the skin.

How does it work?
You are lying on a red light bed and being exposed to both red light and near-infrared light. The wavelengths are 660 nm red light and 850 nm near-infrared light, which is effective and completely harmless, but very health-promoting.

A major benefit of red light therapy is its ability to relieve pain. By reducing inflammation, it can provide effective pain relief for conditions such as back and neck pain.

Red light therapy is a safe and non-invasive treatment method that can be used on all skin types and skin colors. It requires no recovery time and can be easily performed using specialized devices.

Red light therapy is a natural and gentle treatment that can improve skin health and appearance. By promoting collagen production, enhancing skin texture and tone, and reducing pain and inflammation, red light therapy has become a promising tool in the world of wellness.

f you would like to book a red light therapy treatment only, please use our regular booking system.

Our Vitality Packages:

Vitality Check-up | Comprehensive blood tests, InBody body composition analysis, and red light therapy | SEK 999

This health screening includes everything included in the Vitality Check-up but is slightly more extensive and goes more in-depth on an individual level. When you undergo the Vitality General Check-up, our doctors also test complete blood count, more detailed liver and kidney function tests, thyroid function, thyroid disorders, a long-term glucose control and several other important health parameters.

Vitality General Check-up | Comprehensive blood tests, InBody body composition analysis, and red light therapy | SEK 1,499

This health screening includes everything included in the Vitality Check-up but is slightly more extensive and goes more in-depth on an individual level. When you undergo the Vitality General Check-up, our doctors also test complete blood count, more detailed liver and kidney function tests, thyroid function, thyroid disorders, a long-term glucose control and several other important health parameters.

Vitality Extensive Check-up | Lab tests, inbody body measurement and red light treatment 3,900 SEK

This comprehensive vitality analysis is designed for an in-depth health analysis on an individual level. As well as including everything included in the Vitality General Check-up. This includes, among other things, that our specialist doctors analyze any increased risk of cardiovascular disease, assess insulin production, possible deficiency of B12, level of vitamin D, magnesium, potassium, phosphates, hormone levels, detailed lipid profile, comprehensive metabolic panel and more. This screening is particularly appropriate for patients with a complex medical history or those seeking a very thorough health evaluation.

Vitality Check-up for women | Lab tests, inbody body measurement and red light treatment 4,900 SEK

This comprehensive health screening is specially designed for women and includes all parameters included in the Vitality Extensive Check-up and has a strong focus on women’s health issues. It covers hormone balances, including the cause of overfunction as well as underproduction of thyroid and reproductive hormones and other sex-specific markers. This health screening is ideal for comprehensive health screening of women, especially those of reproductive age or experiencing menopausal symptoms.

Vitality Check-up for men | Lab tests, inbody scanning and red light treatment SEK 4,900

This health screening is specially designed for men and includes all the parameters of the Vitality Extensive Check-up with an additional focus on men’s health issues. It covers hormone balances and other gender-specific markers and is ideal for comprehensive male health screening.